Urgent Eye Care

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Albright Eyecare provides emergency eye care for injuries and eye pain, but eye problems don’t always happen during business hours.  Call 830-629-4090 for instructions for after-hours care.  

A trip to the emergency room will result in a long wait and a huge medical bill.  After all of that, you will probably be told that you need to see an optometrist anyway.  Try calling our office first.   

Eye injuries are nothing to ignore.  Never try to judge the severity of the damage.  If you guess wrong, severe complications can arise, and your vision could be in jeopardy.  

Call the office for:

  • Foreign bodies in the eye that are obstructing your vision or causing extreme pain.  Gentle flushing may be tried, but if the sensation does not go away in a short period of time, professional attention is required to prevent significant damage to the surface of the eye.  

  • Red eyes that are swollen, painful, or compromising your vision

  • Floaters.  A single floating object is not usually a cause for alarm, but a detached retina can cause multiple floaters.  

DO NOT attempt the following before seeing an eye professional:

  • DO NOT attempt to remove embedded objects

  • DO NOT remove any foreign bodies that are resting on the cornea (the clear protective surface coving the cornea)

  • DO NOT use dry cotton, a cotton swab, or a sharp instrument on the eye

  • DO NOT rub or press on the injured eye


Diseases of the Eye


Diabetes Eye Care